Theorism treats religions as not mutually exclusive and as part of one Holy family even where religious beliefs differ or conflict with each other.  This website is a compendium of theories about religion, science, and philosophy.  It is intended as a safe space in which one can ponder or posit theories about philosophical, scientific, psychological, or religious issues.

                                 On Theorism

We aim to build a community of deep souls interested in deep cogitation and discussion about religion, philosophy, and science.  We are people who like to question openly, who may not agree with what we know of formal religious doctrine, or who possess an interfaith understanding that we would like to share with others.

Theorism is not sectarian nor is it secular.  Members of every religion (or none) are invited to participate.  Already, there are essays that suggest that Heaven is an actual place and that angels come from all religious backgrounds and guide humanity.  The website also includes original perspectives about religion, the inherent choice of religion by the soul, and the akashic record.

​We hope to build a participatory community of priests, monks, nuns, professors, students, believers, agnostics, philosophers, medical practitioners, scientists, and anyone else who would like to participate in spreading interfaith understanding and debate.  If you would like to engage in theorizing about the world, share your theories with  We do not guarantee that contributions will appear on the website and we reserve the right to publish edited versions of submissions at our discretion.

Theorism invites everyone to participate by positing or critiquing theories of interest to the philosophical community.  Send your theories to 

Theorists Unite