Some suggest that the synchronous collaboration of the physical universe is a sign of Divine Intelligence or God.  Generally, the more intricate the synchrony between two systems, the more likely we are to attribute it to Divine Intelligence.  But intricacy is a function of knowledge; literally, every phenomenon (even a rock on top of another rock) is explanatorily complex at the quantum level or molecular level.  But does this intricacy require a God?  

By this theory, a Divine Intelligence may not be necessary to explain physical or chemical synchrony.  God does not have to be a separate entity with a separate causal role.  God's mechanisms can be described scientifically without attribution to a Divine Intelligence.  (For a more careful discussion on this topic, read "Creating Synergy Between God and Science.")  For example, each entity may have properties that work together and chance may account for their synchrony, or lack thereof.  

Imagine two rocks on top of each other.  Would we say that Divine Intelligence coordinated the rocks' positions? Probably not.  It could be just chance that both rocks are near each other such that a strong wind blew them together and their shape and size made their positions possible.  Their individual properties are driven by physical forces, such as gravity and erosion.  Those physical properties could be true and relevant to the observed event but not necessarily coordinated by Divine Intelligence.  In fact, the latter might not be necessary to explain the phenomenon at all because there may be no synchrony.  Instead, we may have separate events that are not coordinated.  Thus, we are stuck with either Divine Intelligence accounts for everything or nothing.

What do you think - does the intricacy of the universe require or suggest a Divine Intelligence or can chance coordinate the separate properties of each piece of the physical and chemical universe well enough to account for any observable synchrony?  Send your theory to

              God And Intelligence

The intricacy of the physical and chemical universe is awesome and inspiring.  For example, the parts of the human body work together to sustain life.  The lungs take in oxygen and impart it into the hemoglobin of the blood.  The heart pumps blood through thousands of blood vessels, which distribute the life-giving substance to every part of the body.  The brain effectuates our movement by mapping the external environment and coordinating our limbs through its connection to the muscles.  The same intricacy characterizes many physical and chemical systems in the universe.  But is a central intelligence necessary to coordinate the magnificent orchestra that is the physical and chemical universe?