The Akashic Memory

​Imagine that the light is like a video camcorder. The camera operator records a sprint in the Olympics.  The eyes of the crowd see ten athletes running on the track while the camera captures the images.  After the sprinters leave the venue, the track is empty but the memory on the camera still contains the footage of the race.  Similarly, the light over the track contains an invisible record of the events that transpired there called the akashic record.  The record is captured from the perspective of the souls' perceptions.


The light around us is full of historical information.  Everything humans do is captured in the akashic video camera.  Simultaneously, it influences our mind and behavior.  The akashic record can be mechanically accessed by device or by human beings.  

There is some scientific evidence for the existence of the akashic memory.  An experimenter invented a word that had never been said before and asked an Australian to pronounce it.  The scientist then asked several Russian women to pronounce the same word.  Even though the Russians had never heard the word before and never met the Australian test subject, their attempts succeeded on fewer tries with less error.  This experiment provides evidence that every human being is connected by a web of information called the akashic record.

​The flow of information is inside into the akasha and out into thought, emotion, behavior, and language.  The recording process means that every new moment is added to the memories before it; the influence process must involve stimulation of the nervous system.

There are important questions to explore about the mechanics of the encoding/influence processes: how does the light record what takes place in it?  What is the mechanism of the influence of the akashic memory on the human mind and body?  Is physical reality a representation in a larger Mind (much like the brain may remember an event it previously perceived)?  What is the maximum capacity of the akashic record and what is the timescale of the recordation process (e.g., time-lapse photography)?  How does the brain perceive the akasha?

Do you believe in the akashic record?  Why or why not?  Send your theory to