The Distinction Between       Heaven And The Afterlife

According to many accounts, "Heaven" contains the human Spirit after the death of the body.  This distinction leaves something to be desired.  We need to be more precise about what we mean when we use the term "Heaven."

By one theory, Heaven is a place in which conscious, animate life after death is possible. Only a small number of souls ever enter Heaven.  Heaven is populated by enlightened, necessary souls working tirelessly to promote peace and goodwill towards all humankind.  That said, angels may not agree on every issue.

The afterlife, on the other hand, contains almost all human souls who have passed on after death.  It may also be the container of the origin of the soul.  Animate life (e.g., movement of the limbs or travel) and communications with other souls may not be possible in the afterlife of all people.  Furthermore, the afterlife is almost totally imperceptible to those who are still walking and breathing.  The dead may attempt to reach those who are alive (and vice versa) but they are rarely successful.

Heaven is a society of those chosen to play a role in the transformation of earth.  The afterlife is the default destination of all souls after death of the physical body.  Heaven may include the afterlife even if every soul is not included.

What does the term "Heaven" mean to you?  Send your theory to