At some point, what started as instruction becomes tradition at which point new followers copy but learn little. Naturally deep minds have insights into the avatar’s teachings (though learned second hand) that give rise to differences in emphasis which can form the basis of group identity and re-organization into sects. For others, the avatar seems to demand conformity instead of analysis and direct experience.
When it comes to religion, it is rare to believe that we are truly free but we are. We need to incorporate the idea that religious beliefs and customs can be changed and that we are free to make those modifications or to emphasize or reinterpret sections of our holy books as we individually see fit. We do not have to repeat the customs we learned from the previous generation. Such repetition dooms us to fight (or at least to disagree) endlessly over differences in religious beliefs.
We need to focus on our individual experience and understanding. Tradition is a part of religion but not its highest purpose. Religion can inspire self-metamorphosis. For example, faith combined with charity and participation in church ministries leads to a new person, one who is concerned for the poor and eager to spread the good news to others. Evangelization inspires another person who will start the process all over again.
Instead of compliance with tradition, a premium should be on religion’s ability to transform the person, to educate the conscience, to enhance our humanity, and to bring us into relationship with God. Seek direct experience by searching for the deeper meaning and applying it to your life. Be open to where it might lead and how it might affect the other members of your community. Do not pit members of one religion against those who believe differently. Resist the urge to categorize people into groups or to treat one person’s actions as representative and expressive of one religion or sect.
Religion is not just tradition. Tradition is important when it deepens a relationship with God but less relevant when it values conformity over self-inquiry. Maintaining tradition keeps people centered on their history and their differences. Only by applying the lessons learned can any religious adherent hope to achieve the goals set out by the avatar or saint at the center of religion. After all, the Christian is connected to the same God as the Hindu, Jew, Muslim, Buddhist, or animist, all of whom can have a direct relationship with God through turning inward with sincere prayer.
Religion Is More Than Tradition
Every religion starts with an avatar whose experience, example, depth, and commitment inspires followers. Avatars are expert in something no one understands completely. But their insight is difficult to convey in words which is usually the only means of passing on knowledge. Each person has to learn, apply, and then experience the teachings in order to truly understand what the avatar meant.
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